Member Experience Luncheon
Dine with us to learn about Jubilation directly from members who live the life! You’ll also hear from staff on entertainment, dining, lifestyle, apartment customization, and a tour of the clubhouse!
Thursday at 11:30am
Member Experience Luncheon with Helen Flynn
*Will have guest speaker Helen Flynn for roundtable discussions (Realtor and author of Jewels for Boomers and Selling Your Home, A Guide for the Mature Seller & Their Family Members). Dine with us to learn about Jubilation directly from members who live the life! You’ll also hear from staff on entertainment, dining, lifestyle, apartment customization, and a tour of the clubhouse!
Thursday at 11:30am
Member Experience Luncheon
Dine with us to learn about Jubilation directly from members who live the life! You’ll also hear from staff on entertainment, dining, lifestyle, apartment customization, and a tour of the clubhouse!
Wednesday at 11:30am
Member Experience Luncheon
Dine with us to learn about Jubilation directly from members who live the life! You’ll also hear from staff on entertainment, dining, lifestyle, apartment customization, and a tour of the clubhouse!
Thursday 5pm-7pm