Member Experience Luncheon
Dine with us to learn about Jubilation directly from members who live the life! You’ll also hear from staff on entertainment, dining, lifestyle, apartment design/customization and a tour of the clubhouse!
Thursday at 11:30am
Parade of Homes Event
Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and meet members while touring their homes. Learn about all that Jubilation has to offer along with new special pricing. It’s time to call Jubilation your new home!
Tuesday at 1:00pm
Member Experience Luncheon with Helen Flynn
Enjoy warm and friendly conversations at this special event with guest speaker Helen Flynn, Realtor and author of Jewels for Boomers and Selling Your Home, A Guide for the Mature Seller & Their Family Members.
Thursday at 11:30am
Member Experience Luncheon with Helen Flynn
Enjoy warm and friendly conversations at this special event with guest speaker Helen Flynn, Realtor and author of Jewels for Boomers and Selling Your Home, A Guide for the Mature Seller & Their Family Members.
Thursday at 11:30am
Member Experience Luncheons
Dine with us to learn about Jubilation directly from members who live the life! You’ll also hear from staff on entertainment, dining, lifestyle, apartment design/customization and a tour of the clubhouse!
Thursday at 11:30am